What do you mean my writing isn’t perfect?!? Revision Strategies for Graduate Students
Tuesday, September 27, 2022 4 PM
About this Event
Virtual Event
Tuesday, September 27, 2022 from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
**ONLINE** A long weekend, a few late nights, more coffee than is probably good for you, and finally, finally, you have your draft, and it is perfect...or so you think. In reality, with larger projects likes theses or dissertations, the strategies that help you write shorter papers in a single sitting (or two) often do not work, and you will typically need to expand on, clarify, develop, refocus, or connect your work in different ways. This workshop will discuss revision strategies to help you reorganize the material you know into a format your readers can follow. This effort is sponsored by NIU’s Writing Center; for more information, contact hasc@niu.edu. Register Now!
**ONLINE** A long weekend, a few late nights, more coffee than is probably good for you, and finally, finally, you have your draft, and it is perfect...or so you think. In reality, with larger projects likes theses or dissertations, the strategies that help you write shorter papers in a single sitting (or two) often do not work, and you will typically need to expand on, clarify, develop, refocus, or connect your work in different ways. This workshop will discuss revision strategies to help you reorganize the material you know into a format your readers can follow. This effort is sponsored by NIU’s Writing Center; for more information, contact hasc@niu.edu. Register Now!
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