About this Event
41.937098, -88.778122, DeKalb, IL 60115
https://niu.campuslabs.com/engage/event/4877482This year, as part of the United Greek Council's annual "UGC Week", we are hosting a BBQ Social with NPHC. Since we have been doing this is years past, we want to keep the tradition to promote unity and good relations between the two councils. This BBQ will give both Councils and their organizations a chance to network and build relationships while socializing over food, music, and fun. As an addition to this year, we want to invite organizations to stroll, step, or salute and show of their moves on the spot! These performances will not be paid, just on a volunteer basis. As far as food goes, we are unsure if we will be renting grills for a cook out or having external food catered to the location (i.e. event sponsored by The Huddle).
Hosted By: United Greek Council
Additional Information can be found at: niu.campuslabs.com/engage/event/4877482
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