About this Event
Who: The league is open to all NIU employees (and their partners/spouses) regardless of skill level! Current league bowlers run the gamut from double digits up to 170’s. The emphasis is on having fun!
What: The Diesel League is a three game mixed, handicap league. This means that it is open to any gender, and once a bowler’s average is established, pins are added to create a level playing field.
When: Information meeting and free bowling February 1st at 5:30.
Team format will be decided at the meeting (singles, trios, 4- or 5- person teams) as is the handicap percentage (currently it is 90% of 200 with a 100 pin maximum per game).
Where: The meeting and league are all right here on campus in the Huskie Den.
Cost: $8.00 per bowler per night (note bowlers still pay if they are not present for the week. Bowlers can “pre-bowl” if they know they will be absent)
What you get: All league bowlers get three free games a week (including shoes).
League bowlers are also allowed a free locker if they would like one.
At the end of the season there is the Cross-League Challenge! Help the Diesel league hold its title against the Huskie League (student league) on this fun-filled pizza night