About this Event
Looking for a fun way to engage your high school students in economics? Participate in the NIU Center for Economic Education's Rockonomix competition.
What is Rockonomix?
Students rewrite the lyrics to a popular song so that it is about an economic/personal finance concept or group of concepts. Students then record the song and make a music video using their new lyrics.
Note: We usually require students to work in groups of 4 to 6, but we realize that this is not possible right now. We are changing the contest to accommodate our novel situation with the COVID-19 virus and our need to protect others by sheltering in place. All rules remain the same except that we will accept entries with one videotaped person – and strongly encourage them to recruit members of their family who are sheltered with them for the video – including their furry friends!
Are there examples?
Yes. Previous submissions can be viewed here. Also search the #ROCKONOMIX, #NIUECON, #NIUCEE, #TEACHECON on YouTube to see video from the nationwide Rockonomix movement.
What are the rules?
1. Students 9th grade and up are eligible.
2. The lyrics and video must be deemed appropriate by the judges. (No offensive language or images).
3. The lyrics, recording and video must be the work of all group members.
4. Upload video to YouTube and set to public. Submit Entry form by April 15th.
5. Cash prizes will be awarded, and winning entries will be hosted on the NIU CEE website.
Event Details
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Dial-In Information
To participate, contact Judith Dymond at jdymond@niu.edu