About this Event
To be held January 10 to February 4, 2022
During the four-week online academy, you will learn the practices and principles of effective online course design, including quality standards, and apply them to an online course you will development. Throughout the academy, you will experience a variety of methods of online delivery firsthand. The online academy experience allows participants to gain an online student’s perspective. Advance registration is required. Learn more at citl.niu.edu/ocda.
Location: Online – The Online Course Design Academy is facilitated through a Blackboard Course. Registered participants will be enrolled in the academy's Blackboard course. The course will become available shortly before the start of the academy.
Modality: Asynchronous, with optional 1 synchronous session on the Tuesday of week 1. Individual partnership meetings will be scheduled at the convince of the participant and CITL staff. Register Now!