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595 College Ave, DeKalb, IL 60115
https://www.niu.edu/artmuseum/events/index.shtmlIllustrated lecture by assistant professor of visual communications Maria Grillo on building trust in yourself as a visual communicator and earning the trust of others. As a new full-time hire in the School of Art and Design, Maria is also the president, owner and creative director of Grillo Group, LLC which is a communications design collaborative based in Chicago serving business, education, healthcare, not for profit and cultural institutions.
Location: Altgeld Hall 125
This lecture is in conjunction with the NIU Art Museum's College of Visual and Performing Arts Faculty Biennial Exhibition.
The exhibitions and programs of the NIU Art Museum are sponsored in part by the Friends of the NIU Art Museum; the NIU Art and Culture Fee and the College of Visual and Performing Arts Season Presenting Sponsor Shaw Media and WNIJ/WNIU.
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