About this Event
600 Lucinda Ave, DeKalb, IL 60115
https://www.niu.edu/p20/lifelong-learning-institute/index.shtmlMake no mistake, these films are not your average children’s fairy tales. Join us to watch these four foreign directors creatively rework classic tales with skill and great inventiveness. We will watch and share thoughts about La Belle et la Bete by Jean Cocteau, Pan’s Labyrinth by Guillermo del Toro, Blancanieves by Pablo Berger, and The Spirit of the Beehive by Victor Erice.
Convener: Barbara Hulseberg is a lifelong lover of stories – be they books or movies. This will be her debut as an LLI convener.
Please note: the location for the April 26 class will be at Barsema Alumni and Visitors Center (BAVC).
The NIU Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI), established in 2000, is a member-directed group of individuals primarily age 50 plus who enjoy learning in informal, flexible, non-competitive groups and like connecting with peers who share their interests. No grades, no tests – just Learning for the Fun of It.