Hateful Things exhibit at the Pick Museum
Friday, April 9, 2021 10 AM to 4 PM
About this Event
41.9343,-88.7688, DeKalb, IL 60115
https://www.niu.edu/clas/pick-museum/exhibits/index.shtmlFrom Aunt Jemima advertisements to the board game Ghettopoly, American popular culture is replete with racist images. The traveling exhibition Hateful Things – created and circulated by the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at Ferris State University – represents nearly 150 years of anti-black/racist material culture and imagery. The exhibition contains 39 items from the late 19th century to the present, embodying the terrible effects of the Jim Crow legacy.
In addition to items from popular and commercial culture, the exhibit also contains images of violence against African Americans as well as the Civil Rights struggle for racial equality. This powerful exhibit lifts objects from their original purposes to serve as reminders of America's racist past and challenges present-day images of racial stereotyping with the aim of stimulating the scholarly examination of historical and contemporary expressions of racism, as well as promoting racial understanding and healing.
The gallery is only accessible through advanced ticketing available through Eventbrite. Please visit the Pick Museum of Anthropology website to learn more about this exhibit, reserving tickets, and safety procedures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19: https://www.niu.edu/clas/pick-museum/
This exhibit is sponsored by the Center for Black Studies, Pick Museum of Anthropology and Friends of the NIU Libraries.
To help fund this exhibit and related programming, please direct your donations to the Center for Black Studies.
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