About this Event
The NIU spring 2022 virtual End-of-Year Career Fair is for students, alumni and community members seeking internships and full-time, part-time, summer or fall positions, as well as on-campus employment opportunities. There is no fee for candidates to attend, and preregistration is not required.
This virtual fair is hosted via Huskies Get Hired (Symplicity). Current students, alumni and employers will use their Huskies Get Hired accounts to access the virtual fair. Students from other universities, community colleges and community members are welcome to attend and should email us at careerservices@niu.edu to request access.
Students/candidates — let employers know you're planning to attend: Log in to your Huskies Get Hired (Symplicity) account, go to events, select the event you're planning to attend and then select the Attend tab. This is how employers know you're planning to attend and where you can see the frequently updated list of employers currently registered and start your research.
Research Employers Participating:
- Preferred browsers: Chrome and Edge.
- Log in to your Huskies Get Hired (Symplicity) account and click on Student/Alumni.
- Trouble logging in? Click Forgot Password.
- Trouble connecting to Symplicity? Copy and paste the URL, https://niu-csm.symplicity.com, into your browser.
- Navigate to Events > Career Fairs > Name of Event Attending.
- Go to the Employer tab and search and filter to find employers of interest.
Keyword search: Searches in the Employer Name Field and the Overview Field.
Search by More Filters: Searches by whatever field(s) are specifically selected. “Job Titles Recruited at this Fair” and “Major” yield the best results. Once a filter is selected to search on, you’ll need to page down a bit to the “Apply” tab. Make sure that any other filters have been cleared (including keyword) before clicking on “Apply.”
Student Instructions for Attending Fair:
Preferred Browsers: Chrome and Edge.
- Log in to your Huskies Get Hired (Symplicity) account and click on Student/Alumni.
Trouble logging in? Click Forgot Password.
Trouble connecting to Symplicity? Copy and paste the URL, https://niu-csm.symplicity.com, into your browser.
- Navigate to Events | Career Fairs | Name of Event Attending | Attend
- Upload your résumé to your Huskies Get Hired Documents and to your Chat Profile if you have not already done so. This is the only way to pass a résumé to an employer during the fair.
- Set your Chat Profile Status to Online.
- Go to the Employer tab and search and filter to find employers of interest.
- To join a one-on-one chat, click on Join Queue. The employer you are waiting for will show up under Upcoming Chats along with estimated wait times.
When it’s your turn to video chat with an employer, you will see an alert pop up on the screen requesting you to “Join Chat.” Click on the alert to see instructions on how to video chat with the employer. Please note: You must follow the instructions on the second screen (after the pop-up) to click through to the actual video chat – the pop-up alert will not connect you directly.
You can be in up to three queues at one time.
Employer Instructions to Join the Virtual Fair:
Employers will access the virtual fair via their Huskies Get Hired account. Once you are logged in: Go to Events > Career Fairs > “Name of Event You Are Attending” > View Chats. Students are not able to access the fair and join employer queues until the actual start time of the fair. The View Chats tab is not visible until the day of the fair. Be sure to set your status to online.