About this Event
Student taking 9 or more credit hours are automatically billed $1,296.00 for student health insurance for spring 2024. You can find out more information regarding the plan at Aetna's website.
If you have comparable insurance and would like to cancel the plan, the Student Health Insurance Enrollment and Waiver site is open until Feb. 29, 2024. You will find the link to Enroll/Waive on the middle left of the page. Please be aware you cannot use a cell phone to access the online waiver, it does not work correctly. Once you complete the waiver, the charge for insurance will be removed from your student account.
The waiver deadline is firm, therefore if you do not waive the student health insurance by Feb. 29, you will be enrolled for coverage under the plan.
Have questions? Email us at studentinsurance@niu.edu.