About this Event
CSEAS Spring Lecture Series: Deepak Nair
Department of Political Science
National University of Singapore
Title: “ASEAN and the Diplomacy of Anti-Politics”
Online event: registration required at https://niu-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItceuvpjkoGtQS-ariZUGlvGJ0P2Lg1F6H
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Deepak Nair's research centers on the microsociological study of international relations--everyday practices, face-to-face interactions, emotions, and embodied experiences. He also explores how these micro-level phenomena are tethered to wider social structures of class, race, and gender. He pursues this interest in the micro-world of international relations with the substantive study of diplomacy and international bureaucracy, and especially in Southeast Asia. He uses interpretive approaches and methods in his research, mainly ethnography and in-depth elite interviews, supported by historical print-media analysis. His current research explores the role of emotions in international politics, on how international politics shapes populism, how diplomats and diplomacy are embedded in state-society struggles, and on the different forms and legacies of diplomacy among capitalist, socialist, and neutralist circuits of Cold War Southeast Asia.
All lectures are free and open to the public.