CSEAS Spring Graduate Colloquium Lecture Series: Elizabeth Clendinning
Friday, April 15, 2022 12 PM to 1 PM
About this Event
545 Lucinda Ave, DeKalb, IL 60115
https://www.niu.edu/clas/cseas/index.shtmlCSEAS Spring Graduate Colloquium Lecture Series: Elizabeth Clendinning
Department of Music, Wake Forest University
Title: "New Flowers: Indonesian Gamelans, American Educations"
Hybrid event: in person Campus Life 100; virtual option registration required at https://niu-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApcu6uqTIrGNad1fLHZr_cChNxifg4snFd
Elizabeth Clendinning's research addresses concepts of space, time, cultural representation, and pedagogy within transnational Balinese gamelan communities and in film and television music. Her writing has appeared in various journals and edited volumes, including Musicultures and Ethnomusicology. She embraces her role as a teacher-scholar through incorporating her research into her teaching and providing hands-on opportunities for students to experience music and culture. She has previously served as co-chair for the Society for Ethnomusicology Section on the Status of Women (2013-2016) and am past president of the Southeast and Caribbean Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology (2015-2016).
This talk is sponsored by the Graduate Colloquium program at NIU and the School of Music.
All lectures free and open to the public.