About this Event
545 Lucinda Ave, DeKalb, IL 60115
https://www.niu.edu/clas/cseas/index.shtml“It WAS a Batik Shirt! Visual Narratives in Art and Craft Education in Indonesia Today”
Shei-Chau Wang
Department of Art and Design Education,
Northern Illinois University
In this lecture, I will share my visual journey as part of the reflection for my Fulbright experience in Indonesia from March to July, 2023. I focus on my role as a visiting professor for the Art Education Department at Yogyakarta State University, where I worked primarily with faculty members and pre-service art teachers on teaching and research. This reflection will be presented as a visual narrative, in which images and videos will be interwoven to illustrate the tension resulted from the collision between the traditional and contemporary as it comes to the teaching paradigm that guides the educational practice in higher institution in Indonesia.
Friday , October 27
Peters Campus Life Building 100 and online (registration required for online attendance: https://niu-edu.zoom.us/.../tZwvdeihqjopH9bRS5oAlQ0gE91Ks...)
Contact the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at cseas@niu.edu