About this Event
600 Lucinda Ave, DeKalb, IL 60115
#Community EngagementThis event is part of our Community Engagement Brown Bag Lecture Series.
"Journey to Teach Scientific Argumentation: Lessons for Creating Mutually Beneficial Partnerships"
Professor Pi-Sui Hsu, Ph.D., NIU Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment
Distinguished Engagement and Partnerships Professor, 2024
For well over a decade, Pi-Sui Hsu has been partnering with middle school teachers and after-school educators in the U.S. and Taiwan. Her goal has been to test and improve methods for teaching scientific argumentation to middle school students, with a focus on educational technology. In this talk, Professor Hsu will share the story of her collaborative research journey. She’ll share insights into how faculty can use fieldwork to build authentic, mutually beneficial partnerships. And she’ll answer faculty questions about their own potential collaborations.
Please register for this event at https://forms.office.com/r/5S3RZRT2ZF.
About the Community Engagement Brown Bag Lecture Series
NIU faculty are doing impactful community engaged work in disciplines including biology, engineering, nursing, education, dance and anthropology. This casual, lunchtime series is your chance to learn from recipients of NIU’s Presidential Engagement and Partnerships Professorship about their experiences in community engaged research, teaching and learning, and collaboration. Hear their stories, ask your questions, make connections, and leave with tools and inspiration to pursue your community engagement goals.