About this Event
The NIU Operating Staff Council has six (6) vacancies on the Council to fill this year. All six (6) vacancies will be for three-year terms, starting July 1, 2022.
If you are: A Civil Service employee in a status position, have your supervisor's permission, and are able to serve approximately five hours each month to participate in council meetings and committees, then the OSC encourages you to run!
Interested in Running?
Complete the Candidate Data Sheet. The deadline is Wednesday April 27, 2022, 9:00 a.m.
If you are unable to submit it electronically, please print the form and drop off at Altgeld 103 or scan to fmitchell@niu.edu.
Questions regarding elections? Contact Rave Meyer, vice president, Operating Staff Council, at rmeyer@niu.edu.
Event Details
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