About this Event
Join President Lisa Freeman, her leadership team and fellow colleagues for the Annual President's Holiday Gathering on Thursday, Nov. 30 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Altgeld Hall Auditorium. Employees are granted release time to participate.
Beverages and desserts will be provided, a photo station will be available to take holiday photos with colleagues and Mission 3 will make an appearance.
In addition, our 2023 Pride with Purpose shirt will be available for purchase and donations will be accepted for the Huskie Food Pantry, which works to support NIU students who face food insecurity. Please donate food or household items. Items of most need to be donated include cooking oil, canned corn, rice, pasta, pasta sauce, shelf-stable microwaveable meals, soap, shampoo, and feminine products. Fresh foods such as bread, vegetables, fruit and yogurt. A full list of items needed by the pantry can be viewed on the Huskie Food Pantry website. In addition, donations of winter coats will be collected to support the Huskie Closet.